
Saturday, March 8, 2025

Sisterhood Page 7: Combining Forces

Our lovely and powerful heroines rethink their teamwork, combine their efforts, and use their opponents powers against them, to neutralize them! There’s even time for a quip or two. Well done!
Once again, Valor Girl and Wonder Warrior by Johnny Gans, Lash’Ira by Tony Smith.


Saturday, March 1, 2025

Sisterhood Page 6: Into The Fray

Yes, Wonder Warrior usually wears a blindfold when in costume! Having been raised by a secret hidden society, the real world contains (usually) too much ugliness to look at. Also, she finds it too distracting when fighting! But don’t worry, she’s been practicing blindfold fighting all her life!
Meanwhile, after avoiding a rain of gold bars, her Sisters-In-Arms have joined the fray, with some difficulties. Fyre, Yce and Dynamite’s powers are very much what you think they are.
WW and Valor Girl by Johann-Octavia’s Gans, Lash’Ira by Tony Smith.


Friday, February 21, 2025

Sisterhood Page 5: Not A Planner, But A Fighter

The panel on the bottom is the reason I make comics! I mean, er, transmit them from my dark dimension.
Wonder Warrior jumps into action to stop some noisy car aficionados! And we have seen them before… As noted before, WW and Valor Girl by Johnny Gans. Lash’Ira by Tony Smith. With gratitude.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Sisterhood Page 4: A Walk In The Park

While the first two are getting new outfits, a third charming but mighty heroine arrives. Our bored student has turned into Valor Girl, albeit also opting for a street outfit. Valor Girl, Wonder Warrior and Lash’Ira are ready for some serious quality time!

Thursday, February 13, 2025

The Odds in Monkey Business !

 A special transmission from the BEHOLDERverse! Some Odds seem to have gotten themselves into some simian-related shenanigans. In a dark alley of an undisclosed warehouse area in one of the outer boroughs of New York City, they are holding their own though, using all the special capacities at their disposal. Aside from regular “Odds” Merv the Griffin and Captain Evening, we’re featuring the speedster “Rush” (by Johann-Octavia Gans”, and “Lady Venus” by Jay Epps, with much gratitude!

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Sisterhood Page 3: Incoming !

The Fortress of Evening, Captain Evening’s New York Penthouse Headquarters, has an unexpected guest! The fireball from space turned out to be Lash’Ira, intergalactic heroine, created by Tony Smith. Also pictured: Ionic Angel, Emerald Valkyrie (who sees the potential for an impromptu makeover)!


Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Sisterhood Page 2: Schoolhouse Slump

On page 2, we meet another powerful superheroine, albeit it doesn’t seem like it.

Charlotte Trent is the secret identity of Valor Girl, created by Johann-Octavia’s Gans.


Saturday, February 1, 2025

Sisterhood Page 1: Down To Earth

Here we go! A brand-new comic begins today, with a spacy intro and an explosive battle! We present you the mighty Wonder Warrior, supposedly ambassador from a secret utopian society, and created by Johann-Octavious Gans aka Johnny Gans aka xailenrath!

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Powerful Sisterhood

Even the most cosmic of beings knows by now: What’s a superhero(ine) life without friends? Having the support of your peers is not only needed to stay alive in this dangerous business, but super-friends are also good for your super-soul, of course!

The following story is a bit of a follow-up to an older adventure where these three were defeated and captured by the ultra-powerful Lady Wyvern (during the “Super-Bachelor” Saga). Since then, there seems to be an invisible bond between them!

Today’s “cover” art is by BadAttitude-ink on DeviantArt. Our adventure features the mighty Valor Girl and Wonder Warrior by Johnny Gans, and Lash’Ira by Tony Smith. 

Starting in a couple days. Stay tuned, and enjoy!