
Monday, July 27, 2015

Tales To Behold 6, Page 20: Like Old Times (Page 1 of 4)

(Almost) solo-story of Centennia, Earth's Most Powerful Hero! We start with action right away!
And do you recognize "this guy"?


  1. That is going to be so rough on her dress. The hijacked armoured car is likely to have some problems too. Hmm, this guy...Isn't he supposed to be in jail?

    1. Thank you for the comment, yes both the armored car and the dress are likely to suffer from what happens next! But Centennia can't always wear only her superhero duds... a girl's gotta dress up sometimes! As for "this guy", in his last appearance they simply parted ways http://cosmicbeholder.blogspot.com/2014/10/tales-to-behold-4-page-47-aftermath.html?m=0
