
Saturday, December 28, 2024

The Internship Page 6: Happy Hour


Rae’s mom by the way, is the super heroine from an alternate universe, Nattie, created by James Damaged, just like Rhys here. Rae is in part based on her, the other part, her father, is the demigod Monroe Coyote, created by Johann-Octavia’s Gans. That’s all for today, folks!

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Fortress of Evening Holiday Spectacular

 Happy Holidays from my Dimension to yours!

In this year’s office holiday party, your favorite cosmic entity wanted to capture at least one character by all the various collaborators of this funky makeshift universe. Creators include: Johnny Gans, James Damaged, Jay Epps, Burstlion, tulio19mx, Tony Smith, Maltorramus, Clyde Preston. Happy Holidays!

Sunday, December 22, 2024

The Internship Page 5: Better Living Through Chemistry


Your Cosmic Observer is most certain that we will learn more about the Fatal Florist in the future. Most certain.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

The Internship Page 4: Veggie Wrap


Rae, our heroine-in-training activated her ancient animal spirit powers to snatch her boss away from the evil plant life! And other officers are trying to contain the creature with a creative strategy!

Thursday, December 12, 2024

The Internship Page 3: Fresh Lunch

It’s been said for years– it’s not healthy to eat at your desk.

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Centennia At Work

To tide you over till the next page goes up, here’s a guest piece by Jay Epps, creator of the webcomic “Kaza and Gwenna in the Naked Jungle”. The World’s Most Powerful Hero is busting some smugglers or counterfeiters!