
Saturday, December 30, 2017

The (Super) Bachelor Page 18: Finale

The Cosmic Beholder echoes the sentiment of the mischievous Lady Matchmaster–
thank you for reading! The next story begins in 2018. Happy New Year!
Featuring characters by James Damaged and Xailenrath, and:
Earth-K, Anna Atom, and Max Atom were created by Michael P. and are available for use by anyone, with only one condition: This paragraph must be included in any publication involving Earth-K, Anna Atom, and Max Atom in order that others may use these properties as they wish."

Saturday, December 23, 2017

The (Super) Bachelor Page 17: Epilogue

Well after all, Lady Valmorri did save the day (after causing the mess in the first place),
so I guess she deserves some slack!
Lady Valmorri, Kate Five, Lori and Jeanette by James Damaged.

"Earth-K, Anna Atom, and Max Atom were created by Michael P. and are available for use by anyone, with only one condition: This paragraph must be included in any publication involving Earth-K, Anna Atom, and Max Atom in order that others may use these properties as they wish."

Saturday, December 16, 2017

The (Super) Bachelor Page 16: Dragon's Tooth, B*tch!

Somewhat of a victory– barely! Who would have thought Valmorri would save the day!
Lady Wyvern by burstlion, Lady Valmorri Kate Five and Lori by James Damaged. 

Saturday, December 9, 2017

The (Super) Bachelor Page 15: Wrath of the Dragon

Even the combined power of these mighty superheroines seems not to be enough against the dragon lady!
Jeanette, Kate Five and Lori by James Damaged. Lady Wyvern by burstlion

Saturday, December 2, 2017

The (Super) Bachelor Page 14: All Together Now

Having a common goal seems to unify the competing contestants.
But will it be enough against the incredible might of Lady Wyvern?
Lady Wyvern created by Burst Lion, Valmorri, Kate Five and Jeanette by James Damaged.